(1) A work support payment may be provided to a TANF cash assistance household to assist with employment related needs, the month following the month of case closure. Issuance of a work support payment is dependent on available funding. A work support payment is limited to the amount of $375.
(2) An assistance unit is eligible to receive a work support payment when:
(a) the assistance unit is losing TANF cash assistance eligibility due to new or increased earnings from employment and the new or increased earned income was:
(i) reported within ten calendar days of the participant's knowledge of the change; and
(ii) verified within ten calendar days from the request for verification; and
(b) the assistance unit has not received a work support payment in the prior 12 months; and
(c) all members of the assistance unit who were required to participate in allowable work activities as outlined in ARM 37.78.216 have provided verification and/or documentation of participation in the allowable work activities during the month prior to case closure to the WoRC case manager.