(1) The provision of vocational rehabilitation services by the department is subject to the following financial limitations.
(a) Services subject to rates of payment are as follows:
(i) payment for physical and mental restoration services is limited to those rates specified in Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Policy R, "Fee Schedule".
(ii) payment for hospital care is limited to those rates provided in the medical assistance rates of Title 37, chapter 86, subchapters 5 and 12 of the Administrative Rules of Montana; and
(iii) payment for hospital care from a hospital in another state is at the rates as established by that state's vocational rehabilitation agency.
(2) The department adopts and incorporates by this reference the Vocational Rehabilitation Fee Schedule, dated October 1, 2007, and published by the department as Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Policy R, "Fee Schedule", of the Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Policy Manual. A copy of the policy may be obtained through the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Disability Services Division, 111 N. Sanders, P.O. Box 4210, Helena, MT 59604-4210.