(1) Each air quality operating permit shall contain the following requirements with respect to monitoring:
(a) All monitoring and analysis procedures or test methods required under the applicable monitoring and testing requirements, including ARM 17.8.1501 through 17.8.1514 and any other procedures and methods that may be promulgated pursuant to sections 504(b) or 114(a) (3) of the FCAA. If more than one monitoring or testing requirement applies, the permit may specify a streamlined set of monitoring or testing provisions if the specified monitoring or testing is adequate to assure compliance at least to the same extent as the monitoring or testing applicable requirements that are not included in the permit as a result of such streamlining;
(b) Where the applicable requirement does not require periodic testing or instrumental or noninstrumental monitoring (which may consist of recordkeeping designed to serve as monitoring) , periodic monitoring sufficient to yield reliable data from the relevant time period that are representative of the source's compliance with the air quality operating permit, as reported pursuant to (3) . Such monitoring requirements shall assure use of terms, test methods, units, averaging periods, and other statistical conventions consistent with the applicable requirement. Recordkeeping provisions may be sufficient to meet the requirements of this section; and
(c) as necessary, requirements concerning the use, maintenance, and, where appropriate, installation of monitoring equipment or methods.
(2) Each air quality operating permit shall incorporate all applicable recordkeeping requirements and require, where applicable, the following:
(a) Records of required monitoring information that include the following:
(i) the date, place as defined in the permit, and time of sampling or measurements;
(ii) the date(s) analyses were performed;
(iii) the company or entity that performed the analyses;
(iv) the analytical techniques or methods used;
(v) the results of such analyses; and
(vi) the operating conditions at the time of sampling or measurement.
(b) Retention of records of all required monitoring data and support information for a period of at least five years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurement, report, or application. Support information includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip-chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by the permit. All monitoring data, support information, and required reports and summaries may be maintained in a computerized form at the plant site if the information is made available to department personnel upon request, which may be for either hard copies or computerized format. Strip-charts must be retained in their original form at the plant site and shall be made available to department personnel upon request.
(3) Each air quality operating permit shall incorporate the following requirements relating to reporting:
(a) All applicable reporting requirements must be included in the permit.
(b) Submittal of reports of any required monitoring at least every six months. All instances of deviations from the permit requirements must be clearly identified in such reports. All required reports must be certified by a responsible official consistent with ARM 17.8.1207.
(c) Prompt reporting of deviations from permit requirements, including those attributable to upset conditions as defined in the permit, the probable cause of such deviations, and any corrective actions or preventive measures taken. To be considered prompt, deviations shall be reported as part of the routine reporting requirements under (3)(b), and if applicable, in accordance with the malfunction reporting requirements under ARM 17.8.110, unless otherwise specified in an applicable requirement.
(4) The requirement to obtain a permit under this subchapter may not be used as the basis for establishing new monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting requirements, except as may be required under (1)(b).