(1) (Adapted from the American Occupational Therapy Association Position Statement on Supervision, 1993). The supervisor shall determine the degree of supervision to administer to the supervisee based on the supervisor's estimation of the supervisee's clinical experience, responsibilities, and competence at a minimum.
(2) A fully-licensed occupational therapist shall not require supervision except for the direct supervision required for proctored treatments.
(3) A certified occupational therapist assistant, in accordance with 37-24-103 , MCA, shall work under the general supervision of a licensed occupational therapist.
(4) Temporary practice permit holders under 37-1-305 , MCA, shall work under the routine supervision of a certified occupational therapist assistant or a licensed occupational therapist.
(5) Entry-level practitioners shall be defined as practitioners having less than six month's experience in the specific practice setting and may on a case-by-case basis, require supervision as determined by the board.
(6) Occupational therapy aides under 37-24-103 , MCA, shall work under the direct supervision of a licensed occupational therapist or a certified occupational therapist assistant. Occupational therapy aides shall have no supervisory capacity.