(1) Subject to the requirements of these rules, the Montana Medicaid program will pay for home infusion therapy services on a fee basis, as specified in the department's home infusion therapy services fee schedule. The department adopts and incorporates by reference the Home Infusion Therapy Services Fee Schedule dated October 2007. A copy of the department's fee schedule is posted at the Montana Medicaid provider web site at http://medicaidprovider.hhs.mt.gov. A copy of the Home Infusion Therapy Services Fee Schedule may also be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Health Resources Division, 1400 Broadway, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, MT 59620-2951. The specified fees are on a per day or a per dose basis as specified in the fee schedule. The fees are bundled fees which cover all home infusion therapy services as defined in ARM 37.86.1501.
(2) For home infusion therapy services also reimbursed for the recipient by the Medicare program, Medicare payments will be considered to be third party payments and, if the Medicare payment is less than the Medicaid fee schedule amount, Medicaid will pay the difference between the Medicare payment and the Medicaid fee specified in the home infusion therapy fee schedule described in (1).
(3) Covered drugs prepared and administered as part of a recipient's home infusion therapy program are separately billable under the Montana Medicaid Outpatient Drug program as specified in ARM 37.86.1102 and 37.86.1105.
(4) Subject to (4)(c), professional nursing services provided as part of a recipient's home infusion therapy program are separately billable and will be reimbursed in the following manner:
(a) nursing services provided by a home health agency will be reimbursed under the Home Health Services program as provided in ARM 37.40.701, 37.40.702, and 37.40.705;
(b) nursing services provided by licensed nurses employed by the home infusion therapy agency will be reimbursed to the agency under the methodology specified in ARM 37.86.2207; and
(c) professional nursing services are not separately billable when the home infusion therapy program is provided in a nursing facility.