(1) A person seeking accreditation or renewal of accreditation in an asbestos-related occupation shall pay a fee to the department. The fees for accreditation or renewal of accreditation are:
(a) asbestos project worker................................................................................. $ 45
(b) asbestos project contractor/supervisor........................................................ $170
(c) asbestos inspector......................................................................................... $170
(d) asbestos management planner.................................................................... $170
(e) asbestos project designer............................................................................. $170
(2) For accreditation or accreditation renewal based on completion of an initial or refresher training course that has been approved by another state having accreditation requirements at least as stringent as Montana's, a person shall pay a surcharge of $15 plus the accreditation or accreditation renewal fee for an application under (1)(a), or $35 plus the accreditation or accreditation renewal fee for an application under (1)(b) through (e).
(3) For simultaneous, i.e., on the same application with the same date, accreditation or accreditation renewal in more than one asbestos-related occupation, the fee is $325 plus any applicable surcharges, or the total of the two highest fees plus any applicable surcharges for those two occupations, whichever is less.