(1) Renewal notices will be sent as specified in ARM 24.101.414 prior to the renewal date set by ARM 24.101.413.
(a) The notice will state the annual pharmacist's license renewal fee.
(b) The notice will state the continuing education requirements and any other information considered pertinent for the licensee's understanding of the renewal requirements.
(c) Notice will be considered as properly mailed when addressed to the current address on file with the board.
(2) The annual renewal notice shall be returned to the board with the appropriate fee and a representation of having satisfactorily completed continuing education requirements signed by the licensee. Incomplete renewal applications will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.
(3) The annual renewal notice shall be returned to the board with the appropriate fee and a representation of having satisfactorily completed continuing education requirements signed by the licensee. Incomplete renewal applications will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.
(a) The board shall randomly select submitted renewal notice forms for audit and verification of the approved continuing education programs listed. It will be the responsibility of each pharmacist to maintain his or her own records of attendance or completion and make them available upon request.
(4) The provisions of ARM 24.101.408 apply.