(1) In some instances, a hunter will shoot and tag a big game animal which is unfit for human consumption. Hunters who have shot such an animal may obtain a free replacement license. The replacement license replaces the license for the applicable license year only. No replacement license will be issued for use beyond the original license year or during any subsequent license year. In order to obtain a replacement license, a hunter may turn in the animal to a department biologist or warden for a determination that the animal is unfit for human consumption. The biologist or warden may make the determination or may refer the hunter to a licensed meat inspector or licensed veterinarian. If the hunter is referred to a meat inspector or veterinarian, a written statement from the meat inspector or veterinarian must be presented to the department for replacement. A hunter may go directly to, or may seek a second opinion from, a licensed meat inspector or a licensed veterinarian which would be honored by the department. No replacement license will be issued if the lack of fitness for human consumption is due to the hunter's improper handling or care of the animal. The animal must have all horns, antlers, bones, hide, hoofs, and teeth. This section does not apply to black bears, grizzly bears, buffalo, or mountain lions.