(1) The CSED as provided in 40-5-264 , MCA, is authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with any person, firm, corporation, association, political subdivision or other department of the state for the purpose of carrying out its duties under state law and Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. Under such agreements the CSED may designate independent support enforcement contractors whose powers and duties are defined by the terms of the contract.
(2) An independent support enforcement contractor shall be accountable publicly and to the CSED, and shall comply with the terms and conditions of the contract, as well as with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules, including policies and procedures of the CSED for processing casework.
(3) The jurisdiction and authority of an independent support enforcement contractor shall be limited to the terms of the contract and in no event may such jurisdiction and authority exceed that of the CSED unless otherwise provided by law.
(4) In any action taken by an independent support enforcement contractor under the contract, the independent support enforcement contractor will inform all parties, their counsel or other representative, and the court or administrative hearing officer that such action is being undertaken as an independent support enforcement contractor. On all documents and forms bearing the name of the CSED the independent support enforcement contractor shall include a statement in bold type of the status of independent support enforcement contractor as an independent contractor.