(1) An individual treatment plan must be developed by the therapeutic child care agency within 30 days of placement of a youth in a therapeutic family care setting. The treatment manager normally develops the individual treatment plan under the supervision of the treatment supervisor in coordination with the youth's treatment team. All individual treatment plans, reviews, revisions and/or modifications must be in writing, signed and dated by the treatment supervisor.
(2) An individual treatment plan will be based on the principles of active treatment. Individual treatment plan reviews will be conducted at least every 90 days to assure that services and treatment goals are appropriate to the youth's needs and to assess the youth's progress and continued need for services.
(3) All individual treatment plans must:
(a) be based on the youth's psychiatric diagnosis;
(b) identify treatment goals and objectives;
(c) identify specific treatment interventions;
(d) identify the measurements to be used to evaluate the youth's progress and the criteria for achievement of the individual treatment plan goals and objectives;
(e) support the youth's permanency plan;
(f) show the date the individual treatment plan is initiated, the anticipated and actual individual treatment plan completion date, and the date(s) revisions and/or modifications are made to the individual treatment plan; and
(g) include chemotherapy as prescribed, response to the chemotherapy, all physical reactions, and the recommendation for continuance/discontinuance. The youth's attitude toward the prescribed chemotherapy will also be recorded.