(1) A
request for a permit to construct or reconstruct any residential, commercial,
industrial, public street or road approach should be made to the District
Engineer having jurisdiction over the area.
(2) The proper applicant
for an approach permit is the owner of the property being served, the contract
purchaser or the owner of a long-term lease with the remaining life
greater than five years, or their authorized agents. (A real estate sales
agent, contractor constructing a building or improvement on the property or a
short-term leasee does not ordinarily have authority to agree to the
conditions on an approach permit in behalf of the owner of the land.)
(3) A brief description
of the proposed work shall be included in the request together with a plot plan
and the location of the work; preferably tied to the nearest highway milepost
or station marker. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant
shall also be included.
(4) (a) Upon receipt of
this request, the District Engineer will arrange for a meeting with the
applicant, at which time details of the proposed work will be discussed and the
"Driveway Approach Application and Permit" (MTCE 112-A) completed and signed by the applicant. In cases where the District Engineer
determines that the approach will have a significant effect, the applicant may
be required to include either an Environmental Impact Statement or traffic
study with the approach application.
(b) The District Engineer
shall also confirm that the requested approach will not be constructed within
an existing or proposed limited access area.
(5) The District Engineer, in conjunction
with the District Traffic Engineer, is delegated authority to approve curb
cuts, public and private approaches serving businesses, residences, and
agricultural uses in rural and urban areas without further consultation if the
traffic conditions are not congested.
In congested areas, usually urban situations, the District Engineer and
District Traffic. Engineer can request the Manager, Traffic Unit, Helena, for
further technical aid. If this is the case, the approach should be scaled onto
existing plan and profile sheets showing the highway right-of-way
and sent to Helena.
(6) When the appropriate
approvals as outlined above have been secured, the District Engineer will
distribute approved copies of the permit as follows: original to District
Engineer to file; one copy to the applicant.
(7) The District Engineer
may, at his discretion, set a time limit for building the requested approach.
Failure to construct the approach within the specified time limit shall require
the property owner to obtain a new approach permit.
(8) Construction work on
the public right-of-way will not be allowed to commence until an
approved permit has been issued as prescribed above.