(1) Ground water monitoring at a facility may be waived by the department if
the facility owner or operator can demonstrate there is no potential for
hazardous constituents to contaminate the uppermost aquifer.
(2) No-migration petitions must be accompanied by
facility specific data and studies and must be certified by a qualified ground
water scientist. No-migration
demonstrations must be based on:
(a) Site-specific field collected
measurements, sampling, and analysis of physical, chemical, and biological
processes affecting contaminant fate and transport; and
(b) Contaminant fate and transport predictions
that maximize contaminant migration and consider impacts on human health and
(3) No-migration petitions must demonstrate that
ground water will not become contaminated for at least 30 years after the
entire facility is closed.
(4) The department may deny any no-migration
petition or variance if the department determines that insufficient data and
studies exist to demonstrate no potential for migration of contaminants or
leachate at a facility.
(5) The department may require the installation of vadose zone monitoring devices,
piezometers or saturated zone monitor wells as part of a ongoing no-migration