(1) Authority for rules promulgated in this subchapter is provided for in
75-10-104, 75-10-105, 75-10-115, and 75-10-221, MCA, under which the board may
establish and the department may collect fees for the management and regulation
of solid waste disposal. These fees may include:
(a) a license application
fee that reflects the cost of reviewing a new solid waste management system or
substantial change to an existing facility;
(b) a flat annual license
renewal fee that reflects a minimal base fee related to the fixed costs of an
annual inspection and license renewal based upon the categorization of solid
waste management facilities into separate classes identified by the following
(i) the quantity of solid
waste received by the solid waste management facility;
(ii) the nature of the
solid waste received;
(iii) the nature of the
waste management occurring within the solid waste management system; and
(c) a tonnage-based fee on
solid waste disposal.