(1) A fourth-grade student at the novice level in mathematics is beginning to attain the prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental at each benchmark in mathematics. He/she:
(a) selects and uses only a few problem-solving strategies;
(b) often presents poorly organized solutions, often without supporting information or explanation;
(c) lacks clarity and coherence when communicating mathematical concepts;
(d) uses whole numbers to estimate and compute, but is frequently inaccurate;
(e) sometimes determines whether results are reasonable;
(f) demonstrates a basic algebraic understanding of concrete and symbolic representations, but often misconceptions are present;
(g) describes, models, and classifies some shapes;
(h) determines some measurable attributes of objects, but often does not select appropriate tools for measurement;
(i) sometimes predicts, but often makes inaccurate decisions based on data; and
(j) recognizes and represents a limited range of patterns and describes relationships within those patterns, but is frequently inaccurate.