(1) A single, comprehensive individual plan must be developed and maintained by an individual planning team for each recipient of state funded developmental disabilities services. Individual plans are not required for persons who are only recipients of one or more of the following developmental disabilities services:
(a) family services where an individual family service plan (IFSP) or an annual service agreement exists;
(b) transportation;
(c) adaptive equipment; or
(d) case management.
(2) An initial individual plan must be developed by the individual planning team within 30 calendar days of a person's entry into a service program, implemented within two calendar weeks of the date of its adoption unless otherwise specified by the team, and formally reviewed and revised at intervals determined by the team. A plan must be formally reviewed and revised as necessary within 12 months from the initial or previously reviewed individual plan.
(3) When a person moves from services in one community to services in another community a service coordination agreement must be in place prior to entry into the new service. The agreement is developed by members of the designated individual planning team at the new service with participation preferably in person, but at least in writing, of a representative from the sending team. The service coordination agreement identifies critical service and training objectives for the person to be implemented immediately upon entry into the new service.