(1) A certificate of survey may not be filed by a county clerk and recorder unless it complies with the following requirements:
(a) A certificate of survey must be legibly drawn with permanent ink or printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record and must be 18 inches by 24 inches, or 24 inches by 36 inches, overall to include a 1 1/2 inch margin on the binding side.
(b) One signed copy on cloth-backed material or on 3 mil or heavier matte stable-base polyester film or equivalent and one signed reproducible copy on a stable-base polyester film or equivalent must be submitted.
(c) If more than one sheet must be used to adequately depict the land surveyed, each sheet must show the number of that sheet and the total number of sheets included. All certifications must be placed or referred to on one sheet.
(d) A certificate of survey must show or contain on its face or on separate sheets referred to on its face the following information. The surveyor may, at his or her discretion, provide additional information regarding the survey.
(i) A title or title block including the quarter-section, section, township, range, principal meridian and county, and, if applicable, city or town in which the surveyed land is located. Except as provided in (1) (f) (v) , a certificate of survey must not bear the title "plat," "subdivision" or any title other than "Certificate of Survey."
(ii) The name(s) of the person(s) who commissioned the survey and the names of any adjoining platted subdivisions and the numbers of any adjoining certificates of survey previously filed.
(iii) The date the survey was completed and a brief explanation of why the certificate of survey was prepared, such as to create a new parcel, retrace a section line or retrace an existing parcel of land.
(iv) A north arrow.
(v) A scale bar. (The scale must be sufficient to legibly represent the required information and data.)
(vi) The location of, and other information relating to all monuments found, set, reset, replaced or removed as required by ARM 24.183.1101(1) (c) .
(A) If additional monuments are to be set after the certificate of survey is filed, these monuments must be shown by a distinct symbol, and the certificate of survey must bear a certification by the surveyor as to the reason the monuments have not been set and the date by which they will be set.
(B) All monuments found during a retracement that influenced the position of any corner or boundary indicated on the certificate of survey must be clearly shown as required by ARM 24.183.1101(1) (c) .
(vii) The location of any section corners or corners of divisions of sections the surveyor deems to be pertinent to the survey.
(viii) Witness and reference monuments and basis of bearings. For purposes of this rule the term "basis of bearings" means the surveyor's statement as to the origin of the bearings shown in the certificate of survey. The basis of bearings may refer to a particular line between monumented points in a previously filed survey document. If the certificate of survey shows true bearings, the basis of bearings must describe the method by which these true bearings were determined.
(ix) The bearings, distances and curve data of all boundary lines. If the parcel surveyed is bounded by an irregular shoreline or a body of water, the bearings and distances of a meander traverse generally paralleling the riparian boundary must be given.
(A) The courses along a meander line are shown solely to provide a basis for calculating the acreage of a parcel that has one or more riparian boundaries as the parcel existed at the time of survey.
(B) For purposes of this rule a line that indicates a fixed boundary of a parcel is not a "meander" or "meander line" and may not be designated as one.
(x) Data on all curves sufficient to enable the reestablishment of the curves on the ground. For circular curves these data must at least include radius and arc length. For nontangent curves, which must be so labeled, the certificate of survey must include the bearings of radial lines or chord length and bearing.
(xi) Lengths of all lines shown to at least tenths of a foot, and all angles and bearings shown to at least the nearest minute. Distance measurements must be stated in English units, but their metric equivalents, shown to the nearest hundredth of a meter, may be noted parenthetically.
(xii) A narrative legal description of the parcel surveyed as follows:
(A) If the parcel surveyed is either an aliquot part of a U.S. government section or a U.S. government lot, the information required by this subsection is the aliquot or government lot description of the parcel.
(B) If the survey depicts the retracement or division of a parcel or lot that is shown on a filed certificate of survey or subdivision plat, the information required by this subsection is the number or name of the certificate of survey or plat and the parcel or lot number of the parcel surveyed.
(C) If the parcel surveyed does not fall within (1) (d) (xii) (A) or (B) , above, the information required by this subsection is the metes-and-bounds description of the perimeter boundary of the parcel surveyed.
(D) If the certificate of survey establishes the boundary of a parcel containing one or more interior parcels, the information required by this subsection is the legal description of the encompassing parcel.
(E) The requirement of this rule does not apply to certificates of survey that depict a partial retracement of the boundaries of an existing parcel or establish the location of lines or corners that control the location of an existing parcel.
(xiii) Except as provided by (1) (f) (iv) , all parcels created by the survey, designated by number or letter, and the dimensions and area of each parcel. (Excepted parcels must be marked "Not included in this survey.") If a parcel created by the survey is identifiable as a 1/32 or larger aliquot part of a U.S. government section or as a U.S. government lot, it may be designated by number or letter or by its aliquot part or government lot identification.
(xiv) The location of any easement that will be created by reference to the certificate of survey.
(xv) The dated signature and the seal of the surveyor responsible for the survey. The affixing of this seal constitutes a certification by the surveyor that the certificate of survey has been prepared in conformance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act ( 76-3-101 through 76-3-625 , MCA) and the regulations adopted under that Act.
(xvi) A memorandum of any oaths administered under 76-3-405 , MCA.
(xvii) Space for the county clerk and recorder's filing information.
(e) Certificates of survey that do not represent a division of land, such as those depicting the retracement of an existing parcel and those prepared for informational purposes, must bear a statement as to their purpose and must meet applicable requirements of this rule for form and content.
(f) Procedures for divisions of land exempted from public review as subdivisions. Certificates of survey for divisions of land meeting the criteria set out in 76-3-207 , MCA, must meet the following requirements:
(i) A certificate of survey of a division of land that would otherwise be a subdivision but that is exempted from subdivision review under 76-3-207 , MCA, may not be filed by the county clerk and recorder unless it bears the acknowledged certificate of the property owner stating that the division of land is exempt from review as a subdivision and citing the applicable exemption.
(ii) If the exemption relied upon requires that the property owner enter into a covenant running with the land, the certificate of survey may not be filed unless it bears a signed and acknowledged recitation of the covenant.
(iii) If a certificate of survey invokes the exemption for gifts and sales to members of the landowner's immediate family, the certificate must indicate the name of the proposed grantee, the relationship of the grantee to the landowner and the parcel to be conveyed to the grantee.
(iv) If a certificate of survey invokes the exemption for the relocation of common boundary lines:
(A) The certificate of survey must bear the signatures of all landowners whose parcels will be altered by the proposed relocation. The certificate of survey must show that the exemption was used only to change the location of or eliminate a boundary line dividing two or more parcels, and must clearly distinguish the prior boundary location (shown, for example, by a dashed or broken line or a notation) from the new boundary (shown, for example, by a solid line or notation) ;
(B) The certificate of survey must show the boundaries of the area that is being removed from one parcel and joined with another parcel. The certificate of survey may, but is not required to, establish the exterior boundaries of the resulting parcels. However, the certificate of survey must show portions of the existing unchanged boundaries sufficient to clearly identify both the location and the extent of the boundary relocation;
(C) If a boundary line will be completely eliminated, the certificate must establish the boundary of the resulting parcel.
(v) A survey document that modifies lots in a platted and filed subdivision and invokes an exemption from subdivision review under 76-3-201 or 76-3-207 (1) (d) or (e) , MCA, must be entitled "amended plat of the (name of subdivision) ," but for all other purposes is to be regarded as a certificate of survey. The document must contain a statement signed by the property owner that approval of the local government body is not required and citing the applicable exemption.
(vi) If the certificate of survey invokes an exemption from subdivision review under 76-3-207 , MCA, the certificate of survey must bear, or be accompanied by, a certification by the county treasurer that all taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the surveyed land have been paid.
(vii) For purposes of (1) (f) , when the parcel of land for which an exemption from subdivision review is claimed is being conveyed under a contract-for-deed, the terms "property owner", "landowner" and "owner" mean the seller of the parcel under the contract-for-deed.
(g) Procedures for filing certificates of survey of divisions of land entirely exempted from the requirements of the Act. The divisions of land described in 76-3-201 , 76-3-205 and 76-3-209 , MCA, and divisions of federally owned land made by a United States government agency are not required to be surveyed, nor must a certificate of survey or subdivision plat showing these divisions be filed with the clerk and recorder. A certificate of survey of one of these divisions may, however, be filed with the clerk and recorder if the certificate of survey meets the requirements for form and content for certificates of survey contained in this rule and bears a certificate of the surveyor performing the survey citing the applicable exemption from the Act or, when applicable, that the land surveyed is owned by the federal government.