Monitoring procedures for each stage of a supply alert and energy emergency shall be carried out as specified in this rule.
(1) In stage 1 of a supply alert:
(a) no customer monitoring procedures are required;
(b) the estimated savings of actions taken under stage 1 of a supply alert shall be determined by each utility and reported to the energy division; and,
(c) the overall impact on energy supply shall be monitored by the northwest power pool (nwpp) or the mid-continent area power pool (mapp) or both if the shortage is regional in nature.
(2) In stage 2 of a supply alert:
(a) monitoring of customer compliance is at the utility's discretion, although each utility should begin assembling data necessary for customer monitoring required in an energy emergency;
(b) the estimated savings of actions taken under stage 1 and 2 of a supply alert shall be determined by each utility and reported to the energy division; and,
(c) the overall impact of action taken under stages 1 and 2 of a supply alert on energy supply shall be monitored by the nwpp or the mapp or both if the shortage is regional in nature.
(3) In stage 1 of an energy emergency:
(a) each utility shall be prepared to monitor customer compliance on the basis of comparing current energy usage with the applicable base period consumption and any possible reduction in use. Each utility shall be prepared to monitor major use customers on a monthly basis. Monitoring procedures shall be tested and operational in anticipation of stage 2 of an energy emergency being initiated;
(b) if restriction of lighting for retail, commercial, industrial and governmental establishments is required, local governments shall monitor compliance on a complaint basis. If a local government, based upon a complaint, requests a utility to monitor a customer's energy consumption, the utility shall cooperate. The number of complaints filed with local governments and
the apparent degree of compliance shall be reported to the governor or his designee;
(c) The estimated savings of all curtailment actions taken to date shall be determined by each utility and reported to the energy division; and,
(d) the overall impact of action taken under stage 1 of an energy emergency on energy supply shall be monitored by the nwpp or the mapp of both if the shortage is regional in nature,
(4) In stage 2 of an energy emergency:
(a) all customers shall be required to curtail usage by the percentage declared necessary to bring supply and demand into balance. Each utility shall monitor compliance by its customers. Subject to adjustment as set forth in ARM 14.8.230, monitoring shall be on the basis of comparing current energy usage with the applicable base period consumption less the required curtailment.
(b) all major use customers shall be individually monitored on a monthly basis; all customers reported in violation of action required under stage 1 of an energy emergency shall be individually monitored. For all other customers, the utility shall monitor compliance with curtailment requirements by an appropriate sampling of customers;
(c) all customers shall be given notice if service inter-ruptions appear imminent. Each utility shall report its esti-mated monthly savings due to curtailment efforts, and the methodology used in making these estimates, to the energy division; and,
(d) the overall impact of stage 2 emergency actions shall be monitored by the nwpp or the mapp or both if the shortage is regional in nature.
(5) Monitoring of stage 3 emergency actions shall be car-ried out by utilities, local governments, the nwpp and the mapp as required by order of the governor.