(1) A person may not act as a compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) dealer in this state unless the person is a holder of a valid fuel dealer's license issued by the department of transportation.
(2) Every dealer must apply for and obtain a CNG or LPG dealer license prior to distributing CNG or LPG directly into the supply tank of a motor vehicle for highway use in this state. Application for the CNG or LPG dealer's license must be made on forms provided by the department and must contain information the department deems necessary. Upon receipt and approval of the application, the license will be issued and must be conspicuously displayed at the dealer's principal place of business at, which the fuel is to be distributed in this state.
(3) Every CNG or LPG dealer who distributes fuel at more than one location needs only obtain one license for all locations. The license must be obtained prior to distributing fuel at any location. The original license or copy of the original must be conspicuously displayed at each location which distributes CNG or LPG fuel.
(4) Upon cancellation or revocation of the license or discontinuance of distributing CNG or LPG, the dealer must return the license to the department. The name and address of the person or firm retaining records for audit purposes and the disposition of all fuel inventories must be provided when the license is returned.