(1) The purpose of the applications for preliminary engineering reports or preliminary architectural reports is to evaluate applicants and establish priorities among those who may qualify for these grants. Applications will be evaluated on the five main guidelines listed in ARM 8.101.301.
(2) Coal impact grant funds may only be used for the preparation of plans, studies, analyses, or necessary research for the preparation of a preliminary engineering report as described in the most current Uniform Application for Montana Public Facility Projects. Coal impact grant funds may only be used for the preparation of a preliminary architectural report as described in Appendix S of the CDBG Application Guidelines for Public Facilities Projects. Each booklet is available at http://comdev.mt.gov.
(3) Grants for preliminary engineering reports or preliminary architectural reports require the submission of only one application. The application shall be considered and either approved or denied by the Coal Board during the next scheduled quarterly meeting. The application is available online at http://comdev.mt.gov/CDD_CB.asp.