(1) All signs required to be posted by the operator must be of a standard design throughout the operation that can be seen and read easily and must be made of durable material. Signs must not be placed where their visibility is reduced by parked vehicles, splashed mud, or other causes. The signs and other markers must be maintained during all operations to which they pertain and must conform to local ordinances and codes, where applicable.
(2) Signs identifying the mine area must be displayed at all points of access to the permit area from public roads and highways. Signs must show the name, business address and telephone number of the permittee, identification numbers of current mining and reclamation permits and the mine safety and health administration identification number for the site, and, where the operation is conducted for the permittee by a contractor, the name, business address and telephone number of the person who conducts the mining activities. Such signs must not be removed until after release of all bonds.
(3) The perimeter of the permit area must be clearly marked by durable and easily recognized markers or by other means approved by the department. Each marker must be visible from each adjacent marker, or markers must be joined by fencing or other durable means approved by the department. Such markers must be designed so that their visibility will not be reduced in general by operation of equipment, weather effects, and other normally occurring effects. The markers must be in place before the start of any mining activities.
(4) Buffer zones as defined in ARM 17.24.518 may or may not be included within the permit area. If included within the permit area, the boundaries of buffer zones must be marked separately and distinctly from perimeter markers wherever the boundaries of both do not coincide. Wherever the boundaries do coincide, only perimeter markers are necessary as described in (3) .
(5) If
blasting is necessary to conduct surface coal mining operations, signs reading
"Blasting Area" must be displayed conspicuously along the edge of any
blasting area that comes within 50 feet of any road within the permit area, or
within 100 feet of any public road right-of-way. The operator shall also:
(a) conspicuously flag, or post within the
blasting area, the immediate vicinity of charged holes; and
(b) place at all entrances to the permit area from
public roads or highways conspicuous signs that state "Warning! Explosives
in Use", and that clearly explain the blast warning and all clear signals
in use and explain the marking of blast areas.
(6) Where soil or other vegetation-supporting
material is segregated and stockpiled, the stockpiled materials must be clearly
marked. Markers must remain in place
until the material is removed.