(1) Participants in the disposal program must pay a fee of $1.00 per pound for disposal of acceptable pesticides in which the total quantity is less than or equal to 200 pounds. The minimum charge for participation in the program will be $5.00.
(2) Participants in the disposal program who dispose of total quantities of acceptable pesticides greater than 200 pounds must pay a fee of $1.00 per pound for the first 200 pounds and $.50 per pound for additional amounts over 200 pounds.
(3) The department may elect to accept pesticides containing dioxins into the disposal program at a higher fee to the participant.
(4) Participants who submit recyclable pesticide containers to the program must pay a fee of $2.00 per container.
(5) Participants who receive an exchangeable pesticide under ARM 4.10.1804(7) shall pay a fee of $5.00 for each container with a net content of less than or equal to one gallon or 10 pounds and $10.00 for each container with a net content of greater than one gallon or 10 pounds. Fees charged to participants who receive exchangeable pesticides can be lowered at the discretion of the department if the established fee is higher than the retail value of the exchangeable pesticide.
(6) Applicators licensed by the department shall be given a monetary credit if they are a participant in the disposal program. The credit must be used during the certification period for farm applicators or the licensing period for dealers, commercial applicators, commercial operators and government applicators in which the fee is paid:
(a) farm applicators shall receive a one time credit of $15.00 during the farm applicator's certification period.
(b) commercial applicators shall receive an annual credit of $10.00 for each licensing period that the applicator is licensed. Commercial applicators shall receive an annual credit of $15.00 for the first two commercial operators operating under their license for each licensing period the operator is licensed. A credit of $5.00 shall be received for each additional commercial operator operating under the applicator's license for each licensing period the operator is licensed;
(c) government agencies shall receive an annual credit of $10.00 for each licensing period that each applicator is licensed for the first four licensed applicators. A credit of $10.00 shall be received for each additional applicator for each licensing period that the applicator is licensed. The total credit must not exceed $280.00; and
(d) dealers shall receive an annual credit of $10.00 for each licensing period that the dealer is licensed.