(1) In an emergency, all occupants of the day care facility must be able to escape from the home or building in a safe and timely manner.
(2) A fire extinguisher must be easily accessible on each floor level. The minimum level of extinguisher classification is 2A10BC. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted near outside exit doors.
(3) All day care facilities must have operating UL smoke detecting devices on each floor of the facility, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Smoke detectors must be installed in front of the doors to stairways and in corridors of all floors occupied by the day care. Smoke detectors must be installed in any room in which children sleep. If individual battery-operated smoke detectors are used, the following maintenance is required:
(a) smoke detectors must be tested at least once a month to ensure that they are operating correctly and have new operating batteries installed at least once each calendar year; and
(b) the placement and number of detectors in a home or building must be adequate to awaken all sleeping occupants.
(4) All wood burning stoves must meet building codes for the installation and use of such stoves. If used during the hours of care, the stove must be provided with a protective enclosure.
(5) No portable electric or unvented fuel-fired heating devices are allowed. All radiators, if too hot to touch, must be provided with a protective enclosure.
(6) A minimum of eight fire drills must be conducted annually, at least one month apart as weather permits. Records, including who conducted the drill, when the drill took place, how many adults and children were present during the drill, the time of day the drill occurred, and how long it took to evacuate everyone must be maintained at the facility and made available for review.