(1) Contracted agencies providing case management services to children at risk of abuse and neglect are reimbursed at the lower of the following:
(a) the providers customary charge to the general public for the service; or
(b) $6.72 for each 15 minutes of service.
(2) Case management services provided by the CFSD for children at risk of abuse and neglect is a monthly rate established for each state fiscal year. The monthly rate is determined on a statewide basis on July 1 of each year by dividing the average monthly costs for the delivery of case management services for the previous year by the average monthly service population for the previous year.
(3) A unit of service is any targeted case management service provided during the month to a medicaid eligible child by the social worker employed by the department.
(4) Only one unit of service per month per medicaid eligible child can be billed.