In ARM 37.86.1501, 37.86.1502, 37.86.1505, and 37.86.1506, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Agency staff services" means all services provided by the home infusion therapy agency's staff, including all professional and nonprofessional employed and contracted individuals. Agency staff services include:
(a) preparation and revision of the plan of care;
(b) coordination of treatment with other health care providers;
(c) recipient and/or care giver training;
(d) clinical monitoring of laboratory values and therapy progression;
(e) reporting clinical information to the recipient's physician and other health care providers;
(f) delivery, pick up, and disposal of equipment, supplies, or drugs;
(g) 24-hour on call status; and
(h) any other services provided by the agency staff related to the recipient's home infusion therapy services.
(2) "Home infusion therapy services" means a comprehensive treatment program for the preparation and administration of parenteral medications or parenteral or enteral nutritional services to a recipient who is not receiving infusion therapy as a hospital inpatient or outpatient. Home infusion therapy services include all pharmacist professional services, all agency staff services and all associated medical equipment and supplies. Home infusion therapy services do not include professional nursing services, professional physician services, or drugs.
(3) "Pharmacist professional services" include:
(a) preparation and revision of the plan of care;
(b) preparation and compounding of drugs;
(c) monitoring of laboratory values and therapy progression;
(d) reporting clinical information to the recipient's physician and other health care providers;
(e) delivery, pick up, and disposal of equipment, supplies and/or, drugs;
(f) 24-hour on call status; and
(g) any other services of the pharmacist related to the recipient's home infusion therapy services. Pharmacist professional services do not include costs, fees or charges for the drugs that are compounded or administered.