(1) Supported living coordination activities include:
(a) teaching the recipient and caregivers to independently locate and establish contact with agencies who can assist them in securing the services they require in order to reduce reliance on the service system, generally and on supported living coordination, specifically;
(b) providing in-service training to those people providing habilitation, personal care, or other services to the recipient;
(c) managing personal as well as plan costs to ensure that personal and service needs are met and that funds are efficiently utilized and accurately reported;
(d) providing for adequate supervision of the recipient during the day, evening and weekend;
(e) hiring and supervising qualified staff to provide supported living services, with input from the recipient and caregivers;
(f) subcontracting for services required by the plan of care;
(g) conducting periodic assessments of risk in order to ensure that the supported living arrangement is appropriate and safe given the recipient's unique abilities and needs;
(h) conducting individual assessments specifically related to the supported living service. These assessments will not duplicate assessments completed by developmental disabilities case managers in scope or type of data collected;
(i) arranging for suitable high quality housing, when necessary;
(j) ensuring that the recipient is free to choose a provider from among available qualified providers; and
(k) requiring documentation of the service provided and for approving payment to direct service providers.