(1) Any provider employee who implements a level II aversive procedure must be able to carry out the procedure as it is written. A person's ability to implement a procedure must be documented in one of the following ways:
(a) A program staff person may observe each person in a role play situation in order to document their ability to implement the procedure as written.
(b) Supervisory personnel from the provider may provide documentation of employees' ability to implement a procedure if the following conditions are met:
(i) The supervisor's ability to implement the procedure has been documented by a program staff person.
(ii) The supervisor observes each employee in a role play situation and documents the employee's ability to implement the procedure; and
(iii) The corporation maintains a list of those employees who have been observed and are considered capable of implementing the procedure. The list should specify the dates that an employee demonstrated competency and the name of staff who certified the employee.