(1) The procedure for completion of the medical certificate when the examination is made in Montana is as follows:
(a) The female applicant for a marriage license shall consult a physician for blood tests. If the applicant is not exempt on medical grounds, as set out in ARM 37.12.608, the physician shall send a specimen of the applicant's blood to an approved laboratory designating that it is for a premarital test.
(b) The laboratory shall examine the specimen, fill out the lower half of the certificate form and transmit it with a confidential report of results to the physician.
(c) After examination of the laboratory report and after the report has been exhibited to and examined by the applicant and the other party to the marriage, the physician shall complete the form and give it to the applicant.
(d) The applicant must sign the certificate and present it with satisfactory evidence of age, or if a minor, with the consent required by 40-1-203 , MCA, to the clerk of the district court who is to issue the marriage license.
(2) The procedure for completion of the medical certificate when the examination is made outside of Montana is as follows:
(a) Certificate forms and blood test forms have been forwarded to each state health department and are available at these sources or directly from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health and Safety Division, Environmental Laboratory, 1400 Broadway, Cogswell Building , P.O. Box 202951 , Helena , MT 59620-2951 .
(b) The applicant may consult any duly licensed physician in any state or territory or Canadian province for the examination.
(c) Blood tests made outside Montana must be done in approved laboratories, which include state and territorial health department laboratories and laboratories within their jurisdictions approved by them, U.S. public health service laboratories, laboratories operated by the U.S. armed forces and veteran's administration, provincial public health laboratories of Canada and laboratories licensed under the provisions of the Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967.
(d) Certificate forms provided by other states having comparable laws will be accepted for persons who have received serological tests outside of Montana provided such tests are performed not more than six months prior to the issuance of a marriage license.