(1) In order to be licensed to perform chemical analyses, a laboratory must meet the standards contained in this rule.
(2) Analysts in training must be supervised by an experienced analyst who meets all of the requirements of this rule.
(3) Supervising analysts must verify all results of testing performed by analysts in training and cosign those results.
(4) The laboratory's analysts must:
(a) meet all of the qualifications and conditions set forth in chapter IV of the EPA laboratory certification manual, except those noted in (5) and (6) ; and
(b) if operating the following, have the training noted, unless the department approves a specialized training course as a substitute:
( i ) if using a gas chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, mass spectrometer or an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer, have satisfactorily completed a short course in their operation offered by the equipment manufacturer, a professional organization, a university or another department-approved training facility acceptable to the department; and
(ii) if operating an atomic absorption, an ion chromatograph, a gas chromatograph or an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer, have a minimum of six months previous experience in their operation;
(iii) if operating a gas chromatograph or mass spectrometer, have a minimum of 12 months previous experience in its operation.
(5) A test for ortho -phosphate may not be filtered.
(6) The wavelength settings of variable wavelength spectrophotometers must be verified quarterly with color standards.
(7) The department adopts and incorporates by reference chapter IV of the EPA laboratory certification manual (EPA 815 - B - 97 - 001, "Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water", March 1997) , which establishes qualifications for staff training and experience and conditions for approval of laboratories conducting chemical analyses of public drinking water. A copy of chapter IV may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health and Safety Division, Environmental Laboratory, 1400 Broadway, Cogswell Building, P.O. Box 202951, Helena, MT 59620-2951.