(1) A transportation and equipment kit must include the following equipment and supplies:
(a) one suction unit, either portable or permanently installed, which operates either electrically or by engine vacuum and includes all necessary operating accessories;
(b) an oxygen supply administration system containing a minimum of 1,000 liters of oxygen;
(c) one sterile disposable humidifier;
(d) one rigid pharyngeal suction tip;
(e) one long spinal immobilization device with patient securing materials;
(f) one lower extremity traction device;
(g) two lower extremity rigid splints;
(h) two upper extremity rigid splints;
(i) one ambulance cot with at least two restraining straps and, with the exception of an air ambulance litter, four wheels and the capability of elevating the head; and
(j) clean linen for the primary cot and for replacement.