For purposes
of this chapter, the following terms shall apply:
(1) "Abandoned water well"
(a) "permanent" means a well
whose use has been permanently discontinued.
(b) "temporary" means a well from
which a drilling rig has been removed from the well site prior to completing or
altering the well.
(2) "Access port" means an
opening in the upper terminus of a well casing in the form of a tapped hole and
plug or a capped pipe welded onto the casing to permit entry of water-level
measuring devices into the well.
(3) "Annular space"
("annulus") means the space between a drill hole and a casing pipe,
or between two well casings.
(4) "Aquifer" means any geological formation which is capable of yielding
water or is capable of recharge.
(a) Any discrete water bearing unit with a specific water chemistry, temperature, or
hydrostatic head shall be considered a separate aquifer.
(5) "Artesian well" means a well in which the water level rises above the
point at which it was first encountered. This term includes both flowing and
non-flowing wells.
(6) "Bentonite" means a highly plastic, highly absorbent, colloidal clay
composed primarily of swelling sodium montmorillonite.
(7) "Board" means the Montana board of water well CONTRACTORS.
(8) "Capped well" means a well that is not in use and has a permanent
seal or locked cap installed on top of the casing.
(9) "Casing"
(a) "inner" means the inner tubing, pipe, or conduit installed inside the well casing or lower well drill
hole, and used to protect against caving formations or to seal out polluted or
mineralized water zones.
(b) "outer" means an impervious durable pipe placed in a well to prevent
the walls from caving, to seal off surface drainage or undesirable water, gas,
or other fluids to prevent their entering the well, and to prevent the waste of
ground water.
(10) "Casing seal" means the watertight seal established in the drill hole
between the well casing and the drill hole wall to prevent the inflow and
movement of surface water or shallow ground water in the well annulus, or to
prevent the outflow or movement of water under artesian or hydrostatic
(11) "Clay" means a fine-grained, inorganic material having plastic
properties and with a predominant grain size of less than 0.005 mm or 0.0002
(12) "Community water system"
means any public water supply system which serves at least ten service
connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25
year-round residents.
(13) "Concrete" means a mixture
of not more than two parts sand and one part cement and not more than six
gallons of clear water per 94-pound bag of portland cement. Up to five
percent, by weight, of bentonite clay may be used to improve flow and reduce
(14) "Confining formation" means
a body of impermeable or distinctly less permeable material adjacent to one or
more aquifers.
(15) "Consolidated formation"
means any geologic formation in which the earth materials have become firm and
coherent through natural rock forming processes. It includes, but is not
limited to, basalt, granite, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and limestone.
(16) "Construction of water
wells" means all acts necessary to obtain ground water by wells, including
the contracting for and excavation of the well, installation of casing, sealing
material, screens, and developing and testing, whether in the installation of a
new well or the alteration of an existing well. The term does not include the
installation of permanent pumps and pumping equipment.
(17) "Contamination" means an
impairment of water quality by chemicals, radionuclides, heat, or biologic life
to a degree that may or may not affect the potential or intended use of water.
(18) "Department" means the
department of natural RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION.
(19) "Disinfection" means the
introduction of chlorine, or other disinfecting agents using a method approved
by the board, in a sufficient concentration and followed by an adequate
exposure contact time so as to inactivate coliform or other indicator
(20) "Drawdown" means the extent
of lowering of the water level in a well when pumping is in progress or when
water is discharging from a flowing well. Drawdown is the difference between
the static water level and the pumping level.
(21) "Gravel pack"
(a) "artificial gravel pack"
means placement of gravel in the annular space around the well casing or
screen. A gravel pack is frequently used to prevent the movement of finer
material into the well casing, to increase the ability of the well to yield
water and to lend lateral support to screens in unstable formations.
(b) "natural gravel pack" means a
gravel pack which leaves the coarser naturally occurring gravels around the
screen. The finer sands are removed from the formation by development.
(22) "Monitoring well" means a
well that will be used for pollutant recovery or monitoring of groundwater
quality, groundwater levels, or flow direction but whose primary purpose is not
withdrawal or acquisition of groundwater.
(23) "Multi-family water supply
system" means a non-public water supply system designed to provide
water for human consumption to serve 2 through 9 living units. The total people
served shall not exceed 24.
(24) "Non-community water
system" means any public water supply system which is not a community
water system.
(25) "Pitless adapter or pitless
unit" means a commercially manufactured unit or device designed for
attachment to a well casing which permits buried pump discharge from the well
and allows access to the interior of the well casing for installation or
removal of the pump or pump appurtenances, while preventing the entrance of
contaminants from surface or near surface sources from entering the well.
(26) "Pollution" means a serious
impairment of water quality by chemicals, radionuclides, heat, biologic
organisms, or other extraneous matter to the degree that impairs the potential
or intended use of water or creates a hazard to the public health and safety.
(27) "Potable water" means water which is safe for human consumption in that it is free from impurities in
amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects.
(28) "Public water supply system" means a system for the provision of water for human consumption from any
community well, water hauler for cisterns, water bottling plant, water
dispenser or other water supply that has at least 15 service connections or that
regularly serves at least 25 persons daily for a period of at least 60 days in
a calendar year.
(29) "Pump test" means the procedure used to determine the yield characteristics of a water well by
installing and operating a pump for an extended period of time.
(30) "Pumps" and "pumping equipment" means any equipment or materials utilized or
intended for use, including seals and tanks, together with fittings and
controls, in withdrawing or obtaining ground water for any use.
(31) "Sand" means a detrital
material having a prevalent grain size ranging from 2 millimeters to 0.06
millimeters or .08 inches to .002 inches.
(32) "Sanitary well seal" means a
manufactured seal installed at the top of the well casing which, when
installed, creates a watertight seal to prevent contaminated or polluted water
from gaining access to the ground water supply.
(33) "Sealing material" means neat cement,
bentonite water slurry or grout, bentonite chips or pellets. Bentonite water
slurry shall be mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions as a sealing
material, and shall in no case contain less than 1.5 pounds of bentonite per
gallon of fresh water. The mixed slurry shall weigh not less than nine pounds
per gallon.
(a) "Bentonite clay grout" means a mixture
consisting of not less than one-half pound of commercial bentonite clay
to one gallon of clear water.
(b) "Neat cement grout" means a mixture of
not more than 6 gallons of clear water per 94-pound bag of portland
cement. Up to 5 percent, by weight, of bentonite clay may be used to improve
flow and reduce shrinkage. No sand or gravel is to be used in cement grout.
(c) Any slurry or cement shall be pumped from the
bottom up. Chip or pellet placement may be gravity fed at a controlled rate
that equals or is slower than the manufacturer's recommendation and in such a
manner that will prevent bridging.
(34) "Silt" means an unconsolidated
clastic sediment composed predominantly of particles between 0.06 and 0.005 mm
or .002 inches to .0002 inches in diameter.
(35) "Static water level" means the
vertical distance from the surface of the ground to the water level in a well
when no water is being taken from the aquifer either by pumping or by free
(36) "Unconsolidated formation" means
naturally occurring, non-cemented materials including, but not limited
to, clay, sand, silt, and gravel.
(37) "Water table" means the upper surface
of an unconfined water body, the surface of which is at atmospheric pressure
and fluctuates seasonally.
(38) "Well drilling machine" means any
power-driven machine used in the construction or alteration of water
wells, including, but not limited to, percussion, jetting, rotary, boring,
digging, or augering machines.
(39) "Well log report" means DNRC form no.
603 to be completed and filed by a water well driller/contractor to record well
information on wells constructed.