(1) The diversion works must be capable of diverting the amount of water requested to accomplish the proposed use without unreasonable loss through design or operation.
(2) The diversion works must conform to current industry design, construction, and operation standards.
(3) Wells must be constructed according to ARM Title 36, chapter 21, subchapter 6.
(4) The applicant shall describe how the proposed system will be operated, from point of diversion through the place of use and on through the discharge of water, if any.
(5) Preliminary design plans and specifications for the diversion and conveyance facilities and the equipment used to put the water to beneficial use must be submitted including the following:
(a) the proposed flow rate and volume design capacity;
(b) the expected overall efficiency, including diversion, conveyance, and system efficiencies;
(c) the proposed diversion schedule, such as number and timing of irrigation sets;
(d) system design, construction, or operation features which are intended to reduce or eliminate adverse effects on other water rights; and
(e) the flow rate and operation of diversions must be described.
(6) For developed springs, an explanation of how the spring will be developed must be included.