(1) An application for a license or temporary practice permit must be made on a form provided by the department and completed and signed by the applicant with the signature acknowledged before a notary public.
(2) The application must be typed or legibly written in ink, accompanied by the appropriate application and license fees, and contain sufficient evidence that the applicant possesses the qualifications set forth in Title 37, chapter 28, MCA, and rules promulgated thereunder. Pursuant to 37-28-202 , MCA, a copy of the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) card, showing that the applicant has successfully completed the NBRC examination, demonstrates that the applicant has completed the requirements for licensure.
(3) The board shall require the applicant to submit original or certified documents in support of the application. The board may permit such documents to be withdrawn upon substitution of a true copy.
(4) The board shall require the applicant to submit a recent, passport-type photograph of the applicant.
(5) The board shall review fully-completed applications for compliance with board law and rules and shall notify the applicant in writing of the results of the evaluation of the application. The board may request such additional information or clarification of information provided in the application as it deems reasonably necessary. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant with a statement regarding incomplete portions.
(6) The applicant shall correct any deficiencies and resubmit the application. Failure to resubmit the application within 60 days shall be treated as a voluntary withdrawal of the application. After voluntary withdrawal, an applicant will be required to submit an entirely new application to begin the process again.
(7) All requests for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, at 42 USC sections 12101, et seq., must be made on forms provided by the department and submitted with the application.
(8) An applicant who has been away from the practice of the profession of respiratory care for more than three years shall provide evidence of competency. The applicant may demonstrate competency by:
(a) providing proof of completion (within the last 60 months) of a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education acceptable to the board;
(b) retaking the respective examination(s) for the credential being renewed and achieving a passing score; or
(c) passing another National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) credentialing examination, not previously completed.