(1) A maximum of eight credit units not sponsored by organizations listed by ARM 24.213.2104, may be applied in this category based upon report by the licensee.
(2) An outline of the objectives or a reference citation for the paper, journal, videotape, etc., germane to the profession must be submitted to the board.
(3) Any given activity can be used for continuing education credit units only once.
(4) College course work, which is germane to the profession and contributes directly to the professional competence of the respiratory care practitioner, may be claimed in this section in the following manner:
(a) one semester hour is equal to 1.5 continuing education units;
(b) one quarter hour is equal to one continuing education unit.
(5) The board, in its discretion, reserves the right to deny credit for continuing education in this category that did not receive prior approval of the board.