(1) Psychologists performing parenting plan evaluations in Montana shall be licensed to practice in the state of Montana or meet the requirements for consultation in 37-17-104 , MCA.
(2) Psychologists performing parenting plan evaluations must comply with the board's rules regarding unprofessional conduct.
(3) Psychologists may only perform parenting plan evaluations if they have acquired specialized training, education, and experience in the areas of psychological assessment of children and adults, child and family development, child and family psychopathology, and the impact of divorce on families. They shall acquire current knowledge regarding diverse populations, especially as it relates to child-rearing issues.
(4) Psychologists may only operate within their areas of competence and shall seek appropriate supervision when necessary.
(5) A psychologist must understand the construction/ administration/interpretation of the test procedures the psychologist employs.
(6) Psychologists must maintain current knowledge of scientific, professional, and legal developments within their area of claimed competence and use that knowledge, consistent with accepted clinical and scientific standards, in selecting current data collection methods and procedures for an evaluation.
(7) Psychologists shall use multiple methods of data collection in a parenting plan evaluation.
(8) The psychologist shall be aware of personal and societal biases and engage in nondiscriminatory practice. The psychologist shall be aware of how biases regarding age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, culture and socioeconomic status may interfere with an objective evaluation and recommendations, and shall strive to overcome any such biases or withdraw from the evaluation.
(9) Psychologists shall understand, clarify, and utilize the concept of the "best interests of the child" guideline as set forth in Title 40, chapter 4, MCA.
(10) Psychologists shall maintain current knowledge of legal standards regarding parenting plans, divorce, and laws regarding abuse, neglect and family violence. Psychologists shall also understand the civil rights of parties in legal proceedings in which they participate, and manage their professional conduct in a manner that does not diminish or threaten those rights.
(11) Psychologists shall recognize and state any limitations of their assessments and reports.
(12) Psychologists shall not render diagnoses or form an expert opinion about any party not personally evaluated and may not make parenting plan recommendations when both parents and children have not been personally evaluated by the psychologist. In situations where all parties cannot be evaluated, psychologists shall limit recommendations and opinions to individuals evaluated and shall avoid making recommendations regarding placement and visitation.