(1) Except as provided in (2), applicants licensed in another state or Canadian jurisdiction and seeking licensure under this rule shall provide information for the board to consider in determining whether the qualifications of the applicant are substantially equivalent to or greater than the current requirements of the state of Montana and whether to waive the written examination requirement. Applicants shall provide information regarding:
(a) the licensure requirements of such state or jurisdiction in place at the time the applicant obtained the license or certificate;
(b) a copy of a self-query of the National Practitioner Data Bank;
(c) the composition and requirements of the applicant's prior licensing examination(s); and
(d) any additional information the board may require.
(2) An applicant will be deemed to have met the substantial equivalency requirements of (1) if the applicant:
(a) provides the board with a copy of the response to the applicant's self-query of the National Practitioner Data Bank;
(b) has obtained a minimum required national examination score of either:
(i) a scaled score of 500 on the national computerized examination; or
(ii) a 70 percent on the national written examination previously administered by the board; and
(c) either:
(i) is currently credentialed as a health service provider in psychology by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology; or
(ii) holds a current certificate of professional qualification (CPQ) in psychology issued by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).
(3) "License" or "certificate" means those granted by other states or Canadian jurisdictions under statutory provision.
(4) Applicants shall submit completed and notarized applications, on forms prescribed by the board, including all required fees and documentation.
(5) All applicants for licensure under this rule shall be required to pass an oral examination.