(1) One continuing education credit will be granted for each hour of participation in the continuing education activity.
(2) A licensed psychologist must earn at least 40 continuing education credits during two consecutive calendar years. Continuing education activities and courses taken after January 1, 1991, will be accepted by the Board of Psychologists. Continuing education credit shall be reported as follows:
(a) Licensees with even-numbered licenses shall submit 40 hours of continuing education credit on or before the renewal date set by ARM 24.101.413 of each even-numbered calendar year. Licensees in this category will not report continuing education on the odd-numbered years but must renew their licenses each year.
(b) Licensees with odd-numbered licenses shall submit 40 hours of continuing education credit on or before the renewal date set by ARM 24.101.413 of each odd-numbered calendar year. Licensees in this category will not report continuing education on the even-numbered years but must renew their licenses each year.
(c) No continuing education is required for licensees licensed less than one full calendar year on their first reporting date. Licensees licensed less than two full calendar years on the first reporting date shall submit 20 hours of continuing education.
(d) All licensed psychologists must either submit attestation to the board on the appropriate year's license renewal that they have obtained the required continuing education or submit a plan to complete the continuing education credits. The board will review these renewals and, if appropriate, notify the licensee regarding his/her noncompliance. Prior to the next consecutive year's license renewal, those licensees who have not complied with continuing education requirements will be referred to the board screening panel for possible disciplinary action. Those not receiving notice from the board regarding their continuing education should assume satisfactory compliance. Notices will be considered properly mailed when addressed to the last known address on file in the board office. No continuing education programs used to complete delinquent continuing education plan requirements for licensure can be used to meet the continuing education requirements for the next continuing education reporting period.
(e) If a licensee is unable to acquire sufficient continuing education credits to meet the requirements, he or she may request an exemption. All requests for exemptions will be considered by the Board of Psychologists and evaluated on an individual basis.
(f) The board will randomly audit 50 percent of the licensees attesting to continuing education in addition to all licensees requiring a plan. Certificates of completion or programs for continuing education credits reported must be submitted upon request of the board. Any continuing education noncompliance determined by the audit may be handled by the board as a disciplinary matter.