(1) There must be a sufficient number of qualified faculty to meet the purposes and objectives of the nursing program. Faculty includes all nurses employed by the program to provide didactic and/or clinical/laboratory experiences, except clinical resource nurses and preceptors.
(2) Faculty shall have primary responsibility for the development and conduct of the academic program(s) , including participation in program policy development.
(3) Faculty shall maintain continuing professional development in each area of academic responsibility.
(4) Faculty members who have responsibility for clinical teaching shall have relevant education and/or experience.
(5) Faculty member titles should be consistent with faculty functions and the same as or equivalent to titles of faculty of other units of the parent institution.
(6) Faculty members shall be responsible for:
(a) planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences;
(b) participating in academic student advising;
(c) providing for student and peer evaluation of teaching effectiveness;
(d) evaluating student achievement in terms of education objectives;
(e) providing opportunity for creative student activities that contribute to positive changes in nursing, nursing education, or health care;
(f) providing service to the parent institution, nursing program, profession, and community; and
(g) participating in the selection of new faculty and the promotion and tenure of other faculty.
(7) Faculty workloads should be equitable, and must allow time for:
(a) class and lab preparation;
(b) teaching;
(c) program revision;
(d) improvements of teaching methods;
(e) guidance of students;
(f) participation in faculty organization and committees;
(g) attendance at professional meetings; and
(h) participation in continuing education activities.
(8) Written job descriptions and performance expectations must be available for each position.
(9) Personnel policies must be in writing and must include selection, appointment, promotion, and faculty development.