(1) All cemetery licenses must be renewed every five years beginning on July 1, 2000.
(2) Prior to the renewal deadline date, the department will mail a renewal notice to the cemetery's preferred mailing address on file with the department. Failure to receive such renewal notice shall not relieve the licensee of the licensee's obligation to renew and pay renewal fees in a timely manner.
(3) Renewals that are in any manner incomplete on receipt by the department will be returned to the licensee for completion and resubmission. To be considered complete, the renewal must:
(a) be accompanied by the appropriate renewal fee. Checks returned to the department for any reason will be returned to the licensee for payment. The license will be considered not renewed until proper payment is received; and
(b) be accompanied by any other material or documentation the board may require for renewal as identified on the renewal notice.
(4) Complete renewals submitted to the department after the renewal deadline date shall be considered late and subject to a late penalty fee in addition to the renewal fee. In the event of a late renewal, the licensee may be subject to disciplinary action by the department for unlicensed practice.