For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Advertisement" is any communication made or disseminated to the public in any manner designed to attract public attention to the practice of a dentist who is licensed to practice dentistry in Montana.
(2) "Bait and switch advertising" is an alluring but insincere offer to sell a product or provide a service that the advertiser, in truth, does not intend or want to sell and which is designed to switch the consumer from purchasing the advertised product or service to another product or service, usually at a higher fee or on a basis more advantageous to the advertiser.
(3) "Coronal polishing" is a dental procedure limited to the utilization of abrasive agents on the coronal surfaces of natural and restored teeth for the purpose of plaque and extrinsic stain removal.
(4) "Direct supervision", for the purpose of ARM 24.138.406, means the provisions of allowable functions by dental auxiliaries with the intent and knowledge of the dentist and while the supervising dentist is on the premises.
(5) "Discounted fee" is a fee offered or charged by a person or organization for any dental product or service that is less than the fee the person or organization usually offers or charges for the product or service but does not include products or services explicitly offered free of charge.
(6) "Material fact" is any fact that an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent person would need to know or rely upon in making an informed decision concerning dental care or the selection of a dentist to serve the patient's particular needs.
(7) "Prophylaxis" is a preventative and therapeutic dental health treatment process by which gingival irritants, including any existing combination of calculus deposits, plaque, material alba, accretions, and stains are removed supragingivally and/or subgingivally from the natural and restored surfaces of teeth by a method or methods, which may include scaling, root planing, and subgingival curettage, that are most suitable for the patient, by an appropriately licensed dentist or licensed dental hygienist.
(8) "Retired or nonpracticing dentist or dental hygienist" is a person who has surrendered or not renewed the individual's license for nondisciplinary reasons and has ceased to practice the individual's profession for remuneration.
(9) "Volunteer licensee" is a dentist or dental hygienist licensed according to rule to provide dental healthcare related diagnosis, care, or treatment without receiving or expecting to receive compensation or any other form of remuneration.