(1) A naturopathic physician licensed in Montana, or an applicant for a Montana naturopathic physician license, who wishes to practice natural childbirth must apply to and receive from the board, a certificate of specialty practice in naturopathic childbirth attendance. To receive and maintain a certificate, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:
(a) submit an application for the specialty certificate on a form furnished by the board together with the correct fee;
(b) provide an official transcript from an approved naturopathic medical college or hospital or a signed supervisor document showing completion of at least 100 clock hours (where 12 clock hours equal one quarter credit or equivalent semester credit) of academic coursework, internship, or preceptorship in obstetrics at an approved naturopathic medical college or hospital;
(c) provide a signed log of natural childbirths which contains:
(i) each baby's name;
(ii) date of birth;
(iii) county and state of birth;
(iv) name and natural childbirth credentials of supervising physician; and
(v) name of the primary birth attendant showing that the following experience was obtained under the direct supervision of a licensed naturopathic, medical, or osteopathic physician with specialty training in obstetrics and/or natural childbirth:
(A) the applicant has taken part in the care of 50 women in both the prenatal and postnatal periods; and
(B) the applicant has observed and assisted with the intrapartum care and delivery in 50 natural childbirths in a hospital or alternative birth setting, including 25 births that document the applicant as the primary birth attendant. Of the 25 births for which the applicant was the primary birth attendant, three of the births must have occurred within the two years immediately preceding the submission of the application and in at least one of those three births, the applicant must have provided continuous care. For purposes of this rule, "continuous care" means at least five prenatal visits occurring on or before the 28th week of gestation, as determined by last menstrual period or sonogram, and one postnatal visit.
(d) provide proof of having passed a specialty examination in obstetrics given by or approved by the board, or the American College of Naturopathic Obstetrics' (ACNO) obstetrics specialty examination, or the Naturopathic Physician Licensing Examination's (NPLEX) obstetrics specialty examination.