(1) The application for a dealer license must contain a temporary dealer license form which, when accompanied by a receipt for certified mail, will serve as a temporary dealer license pending the issuance of an annual dealer license.
(2) Applications for dealer licenses are available only at driver examination stations. At the time an application for a dealer license is obtained by an applicant, the applicant must appear in person and present photographic verifications of his identity to an authorized representative of the Driver Services Bureau. The authorized representative of the Driver Services Bureau must:
(a) record the verified identity of the applicant on the temporary dealer license form portion of the application and sign and date said form;
(b) assign an identification number to the applicant and record this number in the proper locations on the application;
(c) obtain a photograph of the applicant utilizing the assigned identification number in a manner which will identify the applicant for future issuance of an annual dealer license as described by these rules; and
(d) receive a complete set of fingerprints, on a form (Form FD-258) provided by the department, obtained and certified by a local law enforcement agency, the department or a private security company approved by the department for each person required to complete a personal history statement.
(3) The first year license fee required by Title 23, chapter 5, MCA, and a fingerprint processing fee must accompany each application.
(4) The application for a dealer license is incorporated in these rules by reference as Forms 4 and FD-258, as those forms read on December 1, 2005, and are available from the Gambling Control Division, 2550 Prospect Ave., P.O. Box 201424, Helena, MT 59620-1424.