(1) The academy administrator shall not
accept admittance of any individual who has not met the minimum selection
standards under the provision of ARM 23.14.402 as set by the board of crime
control except elected sheriffs and those peace officers hired before the
effective date (12/5/73) of the rule.
Waivers may be authorized by the board of crime control for good cause
and unusual circumstances for those individuals who do not meet the selection
standards upon the written application of that individual's agency head
submitted at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the course.
(2) Trainees enrolled in any POST certified course shall be admitted only in
accordance with rules of eligibility and admission as either contained herein
or contained in the course announcement.
(3) No
individual shall be admitted to any course unless he is 18 years of age.
(4) Each trainee shall be
required to attend all sessions of any training course in which he is enrolled
except for absences approved by the academy administrator or his designated
representative. No trainee shall receive credits for certification if his
absences exceed 10% of the total hours for the course. The academy
administrator or his designated representative shall terminate any trainee
whose unexcused absences exceed 10%.
(5) The academy
administrator shall immediately advise in writing to the head of the trainee's
employing agency and to the council any trainee who voluntarily or
involuntarily terminates his training before the completion of any course. The
academy administrator shall write a detailed report to the head of the
trainee's employing agency and to the council any conduct that is unbecoming or
unethical on the part of any trainee.
(6) Each trainee enrolled
in any training courses may be required to personally prepare and maintain an
acceptable notebook for permanent retention of class notes and supplementary
material. Notebooks will be examined by the academy staff to ensure neatness,
content, organization and style to assist in determining final grade score.
(7) To receive credit for
certification of any training course, the trainee must achieve 75% out of total
possible 100% in a final grade score. Pretest scores shall not be considered in
developing final grade scores on course completion.
(8) Percentage development for final grade score must have the approval of the POST
advisory council.
(9) The trainee enrolled
in the basic course shall achieve a firearms qualification of not less than 80%
out of a possible 100% to receive credit for certification. The trainees
enrolled in all other courses which include firearms qualification in the
curriculum shall achieve a firearms qualification score of not less than 80%
out of a possible 100% to receive credit for certification.
(10) The maximum number
of trainees for the basic course shall be 32, unless otherwise approved by the
POST council.
(11) Any trainee who
fails to comply with these rules pertaining to his attendance, performance and
behavior may be denied credits for certification.
(12) Failure on the part
of the academy staff, training instructors or heads of law enforcement agencies
to comply with the rules contained herein or other guidelines for instructor
conduct may result in either denial of course certification or a revocation of
course certification.
(13) Waivers may be
authorized by the board for good cause and unusual circumstances shown upon the
written application of the academy administrator.