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(1) The organization and functions of the department of corrections and the board of pardons and parole attached to the department for administrative purposes only are described in this rule.

(a) History: The department of institutions was established pursuant to the Executive Reorganization Act of 1971 by order of the governor on December 19, 1973. The department of institutions was renamed department of corrections and human services by the 1991 legislature. The department of corrections and human services was renamed department of corrections, and extensively reorganized by the 1995 legislature.

(b) Divisions: The department is organized into the following divisions:

(i) Centralized services division;

(ii) Adult community corrections division;

(iii) Montana state prison;

(iv) Montana women's prison;

(v) Youth services division;

(vi) Montana correctional enterprises (MCE) .

(c) Director: The director of the department is appointed by the governor with the approval of the senate, and is responsible for the overall policy development, management direction, planning, and administration of the department's major program responsibilities. Attached to the office of the director are several central staff positions which provide technical advice and assistance to the director and divisions.

(d) Attached board: The board of pardons and parole is attached to the department for administrative purposes only. The board consists of three members and two auxiliary members appointed by the governor and adopts administrative rules separately from the department of corrections. The board's office is located in Deer Lodge, Montana.

(e) Advisory councils: There are three advisory councils advising the department. These councils have no rulemaking or adjudicating authority. The councils are as follows:

(i) Department of corrections advisory council to assist the department by making recommendations regarding corrections policy and programs.

(ii) Apprenticeship training council to assist the department in maintaining standards of the apprenticeship training agreement, expand training opportunities, and suggest formats and policies which serve to address the problems of inmate attitudes and abilities and enhance the instructional environment.

(iii) MCE ranch advisory council to advise the department in its management of the prison ranch, and to assist in the establishment of ranch policy to be implemented by the ranch manager.

(2) Functions of departmental programs:

(a) Adult community corrections: The adult community corrections program includes adult probation and parole, male and female prerelease centers, the intensive supervision program, the treasure state correctional training center, interstate compact services, and the felony DUI facility.� This division supports the department's mission by providing appropriate supervision for department of corrections commitments on intensive supervision and supervision for probationers and parolees and alternative programs for adult offenders.

(b) Administration and centralized services: The administration and centralized services program includes the director's office, centralized services division, and the administratively attached board of pardons and parole.� This program supports the department's mission by providing accounting, budget, human resource, legal, statistics, information technology services, policy and staff development, victim services, and access to health care information to the department's personnel and programs, government entities and the public.

(c) Secure custody: The secure custody program includes the Montana state prison, the Montana women's prison and the contract bed unit of the department.� This program supports the department's mission by providing public safety by holding adult offenders who need to be isolated from society in a humane, secure setting with emphasis on accountability, productivity and an opportunity of habilitation.

(d) Correctional enterprises: The Montana correctional enterprises program includes the ranch, industry, and vocational education programs of the secure facilities.� This program supports the department's mission by providing institutional offenders employment and training opportunities through work and skill development.

(e) Youth services: The youth services program includes the Pine Hills youth correctional facility, Riverside youth correctional facility, transition programs, juvenile parole services, juvenile interstate compact services, juvenile detention licensing, juvenile placement, fiscal services to five regions and oversight of juvenile placement contracts.� The division supports the department's mission by holding juvenile offenders accountable for their actions by offering supervision while affording the youth the opportunity for habilitation.

(3) Function of attached board.

(a) Board of pardons and parole: This board is responsible for the oversight of Montana 's inmate parole and furlough programs. In addition, the board reviews requests for executive clemency and makes recommendations to the governor concerning those requests. The board has rulemaking authority as stated in Title 46, Chapter 21, MCA.

(4) Information or submissions: general inquiries regarding the department may be addressed to the director. Specific inquiries regarding the function of each division should be made to the division administrator. All requests for hearing, declaratory rulings and for participation in rulemaking may be addressed to the director unless the notice in the Montana Administrative Register makes specific provisions for submission. All persons who wish to be placed on the agency's list of interested persons for purposes of Montana 's Administrative Procedure Act should send their name and address to the director with the instructions to add them to the agency's list of interested persons.

(5) Personnel roster: addresses of the director and each division administrator are as follows:

  • Director, Department of Corrections, Room 209, 1539 11th Avenue, Helena, MT& 59620-1301;
  • Administrator, Centralized Services Division, Room 301, 1539 11th Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1301;
  • Administrator, Adult Community Corrections Division, Room 413, 1539 11th Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1301;
  • Administrator, Youth Services Division, Room 200, 1539 11th Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1301;
  • Warden, Montana State Prison, 400 Conley Lake Road, Deer Lodge, MT 59722;
  • Warden, Montana Women's Prison, 701 South 27th Street, Billings, MT 59101;
  • Administrator, Montana Correctional Enterprises, 350 Conley Lake Road, Deer Lodge, MT 59722.

Department of Corrections Organizational Chart

Department of Corrections Director's Office

Department of Corrections Centralized Services Organizational Chart

Department of Corrections Adult Community Corrections Division

Department of Corrections MSP Organizational Chart

Department of Corrections Montana Women's Prison

Department of Corrections Youth Services Division

Department of Corrections Montana Correctional Enterprises Organizational Chart

Department of Corrections Board of Pardons and Parole

History: 2-4-201, MCA; IMP, 2-4-201, MCA; NEW, Eff. 12/4/76; AMD, Eff. 10/19/78; AMD, Eff. 7/16/79; AMD, Eff. 6/30/85; AMD, Eff. 9/30/85; AMD, Eff. 9/30/87; AMD, Eff. 10/1/90; AMD, Eff. 7/1/91; AMD, Eff. 6/30/96; AMD, Eff. 10/31/01; AMD, Eff. 9/30/04.

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