(1) The department may restrict speed and impose additional requirements as a condition of the special permit in cases of extreme overweight.
(2) On interstate highways, unless specifically noted on the special permit, loads may maintain a maximum speed of 55 mph or the posted speed limit, whichever is less. The vehicle may remain in its own traffic lane and normal traffic will be allowed to pass. Only one overweight vehicle is allowed on a structure at a time.
(3) On noninterstate highways, when speed restrictions over structures are imposed, two flag vehicles or one flag vehicle and one flag person, equipped with high visibility clothing and hand-signaling devices, are required. For purposes of this subsection, high visibility clothing shall be a flagger's vest, shirt, or jacket, orange, yellow, strong yellow green or fluorescent versions of these colors. Hand signaling devices shall be a stop/slow paddle 18 inches wide and octagonal in shape, with letters at least 6 inches high. The background of the stop face shall be red with white letters and border.
(4) Before crossing any noninterstate structure or structures, the hauling unit shall come to a complete stop approximately 50 feet from the end of the structure. After flag vehicles or flag persons have stopped all traffic onto the structure, the overweight vehicle shall proceed at a speed not to exceed five miles per hour with the center of the unit directly over the centerline of the roadway of the structure. There shall be no alteration of the speed (changing of gears) while on the structure or approach. Flag vehicles or flag persons shall not permit any other traffic on the structure until the overloaded vehicle is off the structure.
(5) Any violation of any of the above conditions, or axle weights and axle spacing, will automatically prohibit the owner from receiving any other permits for roading or hauling the vehicle in violation or any other similar vehicle under his jurisdiction or control.
(6) For purposes of this rule, the word "structure" shall mean any bridge, overpass, etc.