The applicant
shall also provide to the department a general mining and reclamation plan for
the proposed mining operation. These
plans shall, as a minimum, include the following topical discussions:
(1) a mining plan, including:
(a) direction of mining;
(b) estimated acreage to be disturbed yearly;
(c) estimated average depth of overburden;
(d) length and width of proposed cuts;
(e) estimated production (tons/yr.) ;
(f) a narrative discussion showing that any
deleted areas will be given appropriate consideration;
(g) such other or further information as the
department may require;
(2) a reclamation plan, including:
(a) proposed reclaimed use;
(b) direction of final drainage;
(c) elimination of final highwall;
(d) estimated acres reclaimed yearly;
(e) further information as the department may