(1) The purpose of all programs is to develop and apply knowledge and skills necessary to pursue lifelong goals and opportunities. Program foundation standards are the common conditions, practices, and resources that cross all programs within a school system to ensure that all students have educational opportunity to learn, develop, and demonstrate learning to the content and performance standards. All programs shall follow the content and performance standards in the accreditation rules of Montana. In addition, all programs shall work to:
(a) meet the following conditions:
(i) incorporate in curricular programs the distinct and unique cultural heritage of American Indians;
(ii) provide effective health enhancement instruction to all grades and to provide such instruction on a daily basis as part of the basic elementary education program;
(iii) provide physically, emotionally, and educationally safe and supportive learning and working environments, including environments free from bullying, intimidation and harassment;
(iv) ensure an educational climate that promotes academic freedom and respect for diversity (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, economic status, native language, disability, special gift and talent) ;
(v) maintain high expectations for student performance and behavior, and challenge every student at his/her level of need that stimulates a desire for lifelong learning;
(vi) encourage collaboration among school personnel to plan, assess, and support instruction; and
(vii) build school calendars and schedules based upon instructional needs.
(b) include the following practices:
(i) align local curricula with the Montana content and performance standards;
(ii) offer engaging experiences that enable students to develop communication skills for fulfillment in their personal lives, workplaces, and communities;
(iii) teach ethical behavior and the implications of one's choices;
(iv) implement research-based instructional skills and strategies to improve student learning;
(v) encourage the use of the inquiry process and the application of multiple thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills;
(vi) emphasize common unifying themes or principles that build on students' prior experiences;
(vii) provide learning experiences that connect the disciplines and transfer learning from one context to another; and
(viii) integrate information literacy skills, technology tools, and workplace competencies to support learning in all curricular areas.
(c) provide the following resources:
(i) access to regional, community, and school-based resources for teaching and learning;
(ii) qualified staff necessary to support the instructional process, including elementary teachers (00 endorsement) with at least ten semester credits in assigned subject areas when teaching departmentalized grades 5-8;
(iii) equitable access to all facilities, technology, equipment, materials, and services necessary to support the instructional process;
(iv) time for professional development that supports learning for all;
(v) a well-conceived mentoring program for teachers in the first three years of teaching; and
(vi) access to a variety of current technologies and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, videos) .