(1) The Superintendent of Public Instruction will determine and report the American Indian achievement gap payment for each school district by March 1 for the ensuing school year.
(2) The number of students used to determine the payment for FY 20XX+2 will be the number of American Indian students enrolled in the district as reported on the fall enrollment count submitted by the district to the Superintendent of Public Instruction in the fall of 20XX.
(3) The Superintendent of Public Instruction will provide an opportunity for district officials to review the enrollment information submitted on the fall enrollment report. Changes to the enrollment report information used for the American Indian achievement gap payment will not be accepted after December 31 except in cases of significant reporting error, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
(4) Payments will be distributed to school districts by the Superintendent of Public Instruction on the schedule for BASE aid distributions provided in 20-9-344 , MCA.