(1) Applicants who are successful in drawing a moose, sheep, or goat license in a license year may request to have their license annulled and therefore are deemed not to have been issued the license so that they are not subject to the requirement to wait seven years to reapply if the following circumstances occur:
(a) the applicant is:
(i) a member of the armed forces and is either deployed to a combat zone, deployed in support of a peace-keeping mission, or deployed in response to a state or national emergency; or
(ii) affected by a catastrophic or major natural disaster or man-made event that requires the applicant's assistance as a member of a local, state, or federal management agency;
(b) the applicant did not use and was unable to use the license during any part of the hunting season in the license year for which the license was issued and can provide appropriate documentation; and
(c) the applicant returns the unused license as soon as possible during the hunting season for the species for which the license was issued or at least by December 31 and certifies that it was not used;
(i) the director or designee may authorize exceptions for extenuating circumstances that prevent the applicant from meeting the December 31 deadline for the return of license. Moose, sheep, and goat licenses returned under these circumstances may be reissued to unsuccessful applicants in the original drawing.