(1) General essential standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The board adopts a collection management policy that it reviews every three years. The policy addresses the use of electronic resources. The library submits its collection development policy to the Montana State Library.
(b) The board and the director develop an annual materials budget as part of the library budget.
(c) The library uses at least one professionally recognized review source.
(d) The library provides access to federal, state, and local government documents that are appropriate to its community.
(2) General enhanced standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library cooperates with other community institutions to plan and implement access to electronic resources.
(b) The library provides access to materials for those with disabilities and others who may have special needs.
(c) The library is on the collection management honor roll.
(3) General excellent standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library cooperates with other local and regional libraries in collection development to provide a wide range of materials in a variety of formats to meet the needs of the community.