(1) As authorized by ARM 8.2.304(5) , the board categorically excludes the following projects from MEPA requirements and will not normally prepare either an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement in considering applications for grants or loans to finance these projects.
(a) projects that will be partially funded by, or for which the applicant must obtain a permit from, a state or federal agency which, by reason of its funding or permitting function, has primary responsibility to consider the environmental impacts of the project under MEPA or the National Environmental Policy Act;
(b) projects primarily involving the acquisition of capital equipment;
(c) projects primarily involving planning studies or scientific research and analysis; or
(d) projects primarily involving, the provision of human services.
(2) If information available to the board suggests that a proposed project in one of the categories described in subsection (1) (b) through (1) (d) may significantly affect the quality of the human environment, the board may, in its discretion, require an applicant to provide additional information relevant to environmental concerns and the board will prepare an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement as may be appropriate.